


I Stand under

the shining stars

in whole night sky

Can you see?

You go ahaed.

So I run after.

When One night

I had been asked

the boy,

゙Why I was left alone?゙

I walk

to find my answer.

I know

the boy is myself.

So think under

the shining stars

in the night sky.

Can you see?

You go ahaed.

So I run after.

When I feel alone,

he said

“we can see

 the same full moon.”

I wait,

to came across for you.

Someday if it happen,

what I say to you?

Just then, I will find


So Stand under

the shining stars

in whole night sky

Can you see?

You go ahaed.

So I run after.

I think under

the shining stars

in the night sky

Can you hear

My voice?

Although you are ahead,

I want to say.